It's crunch time here at university, but it's also nearly that time of year again! Last year was a fantastic time - I was very humbled to have had the opportunity to exhibit a piece of my personal work, and I also helped curate the art gallery. I'm hoping (fingers crossed!) that my submission for this year will be accepted too, which would be absolutely amazing. The piece in question I submitted this year is the piece shown at the end of this post.
If not, that's okay because my group and I are still showing off our new game 'Growth Spiral' at NGF this year, which I'm pretty excited about! Make sure to come along to the festival if you live nearby - 'Growth Spiral' will be showing between the 27th and 28th of May. There are plenty more events and games to experience too as well as talks, and the games art gallery is showing all throughout the week. See you then!
Link to NGF website:
